Whole Life Carbon Assessment

Scope and Importance of Whole Life Carbon (WLC) Assessment

A WLC assessment is concerned with emissions from all life-cycle phases (A1-C4), encompassing both embodied and operational carbon together, unlike building LCA which only focuses on embodied carbon.

An assessment of Whole Life Carbon also incorporates evaluating the potential carbon emission 'advantages' resulting from the reuse or recycling of components once a building reaches the end of its useful life. This assessment offers a genuine insight into the building's environmental carbon impact.

Policies and Guidance

Within the UK, BS EN 15978:2011 (underpinned by RICS Professional Statement: Whole Life Carbon assessment for the built environment) establishes the framework for assessing the environmental impacts of the built environment. It outlines the principles and calculation methods for conducting whole life assessments of environmental impacts resulting from built projects, utilizing life-cycle assessment techniques

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